Sistema Automático Migrantes

Website to manage insurance policies for Ecuadorian citizens living abroad. The site allows the user to create policies, enter beneficiaries, manage sellers commissions and manage the billing of the policies sold.

Details: This site was developed in five distinct components: user management, management of policies sold, permission management, commission management and reports generation and processing with the bank.

The system allows you to create, modify and delete users, they can be sellers and / or administrators. We also implemented component to manage an access control list that controls the access to the functions of the system.

With the component of policies sold users can: create, update, list, print to pdf policies.

The reports component generates a document to send to the bank and then receives the response with the results of the debits. These transactions are recorded in the system.

With the component for the commission management sellers are being paid for their commissions and it also can generate reports or list policies, billings and commission.

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Sep 2009 - Sistema Automático Migrantes

Serfe info(at) FALUCHO 2032, S3016LDB, SANTO TOME, SANTA FE, ARGENTINA 1-305-5375397
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