Biedler's Belts has been a family owned and operated business since it was founded in 1950. They do complete motor repair service from fractional hp to 300 hp including rewind, repair of most major power tool brands as well as they are authorized reseller for major brands.

Initial Phase

The customer approached us with the requires needed to adapt his current Magento 1.9 website in which was required to make adjustments to improve the quality and adapt it to the business rules. The site was on good shape overall but the default options of Magento 1.9 was not suited to match all the required elements.

As initial phase we reviewed the code and data and propose some changes to be able to fill all the required changes from the customer.

Details on the development process

As first elements to review we reviewed, validated, tested and integrated some extension of Magento that allows to adapt the contents of the website to the required elements on the product tha the site offers, giving that that the belts required specific attributes to be shown.

We implemented changes to improve the site speed, making optimizations on the styles and loading time. To fulfill the required PageSpeed optimization we installed a extension that compress and combine the CSS & JS files of the site. Also we enabled the compression and size reduction of the images on the site which allows to improve the loading time of the site.

We also introduced the required changes to make available on the page all the microdata for the schema, products, breadcrumbs and offers for all the pages which did not have them or where incomplete, allowing to have better search result position on the different search engines.

Following the business requirements we implemented a template to create new products during the import process who have into account all the different elements and attributes required to personalize the products as expected making the creation of new products on the website simpler for the website operator.

We also were in charge to generate a script to migrate the new data required for the client into the website, which data then was used on a new custom design for the product page and other sections to display more detailed information to the visitors. Also we enhanced the navigation bar with the different sections of the product page.

Migration to Magento 2

Once we find out that the support for Magento 1.9 had a deadline, we began the process to update the website into the version 2. For that we generated a new install based on Magento 2, import and validate all the attributes, products and categories from the old version and generate a new theme following the same line as the old site in design and navigation wise. Between 2018 and 2019 we planned and executed this migration gradually, as a side project with a strict under-of-control budget, meanwhile we were also working on maintenance tasks for online store.

The web design was not altered by this migration, we have also recreated the previous magento theme into the new version.

Once completed the process on the development environment we generated a new server where the changes were uploaded and validated by the customer. Once approved, we proceed to publish the new version of the site and validate that all the functionalities works as expected after published.

Enhancements applied

After the update to the new version, we decided to combine the different steps of the purchase process into a OnePage checkout page. For this we took as base an existing extension and made modifications to adjust he interface and process to the specific business rules for size, and shipping method which is required for big items.

Additionally, we were able to modify the view of the configurable products so the customer can be able to generate a product with different parameters like size, materials, etc and make a special made product request. This new process allows to obtain new customers as it reduces the steps required to request a quote for a new type of product.

Biedler’s site integration

Given that the customer has other business units where the rules are similar related to the product elements and structure and taking advantage of the native ability of Magento 2 to have multiple websites on the same install, was decided to integrate inside the current website the Biedler’s website as a new store. Biedler’s site provides parts replacements for many brands including Milwaukee. In the new integrated website you can search the parts by mode, type of tool or part number, allowing the visitors to see the parts diagram of all the tools which the store supports.

On this new integration we were in charge of making all the steps required to accommodate the website to the new elements, from creating the website, configure the webserver and magento instance, generate the structure, theme, categories, products and attributes. Also were on charge of evaluate the site efficiency when the newly 100000 products were added to measure the impact and diagnose any issue if arises.

Hydraulics systems website integration

Following the same idea as the previous website, we decided to bring the other business branch into the same website install. This new website allows to request replacements or new hydraulics hoses where the visitor can select from existing hoses or generate it’s own hose configurations selecting the material, couplings and adapters.

Within this process we were in charge of creating the store, import and generation of the information regarding products, attributes, categories, images, etc. We also have to make adjustments to the theme to accommodate the new elements for this website inside the product page and also into the checkout section.

Magento Updates

During all the previous described process, we keep up to date all the updates and patches released from Magento into the website, validating that the functionality works as expected after they area applied. Currently we are in charge or reviewing the update process from Magento 2.3 to 2.4 version, doing the maintenance on the site and optimizations to have the site with the best experience for the visitor.

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Oct 2015 - Biedler's Belts

Serfe info(at) FALUCHO 2032, S3016LDB, SANTO TOME, SANTA FE, ARGENTINA 1-305-5375397
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