This client reached us to work on improvements and optimizations of an existing application implemented with ReactJS.

Development phase

Initially, the client gave us all the requirements already documented in Jira. The main development work has been done on the application called "Live Scheduler". This is a web application to manage all production pipeline of a metal-mechanic company, which also supplies parts to different customers. Into the app, they handle suppliers, customer accounts and employees with an intuitive dashboard. Each manager can follow the production pipeline day by day, checking changes in the panel and make decisions about it.

The web app is a typical backend-frontend approach. Redux-thunk was integrated inside the React app, connected to a websocket server that is implemented with NodeJS. This one is in charge of keeping the application up-to-date (pulling recent data) as events occur along the production line. Under this productive environment, we also use a REST API developed in PHP 7.4 and MySql database, where the app is backing up all collected data.

Combining ReactJS with Node/PHP/MySql enables a real-time dashboard firing events in the application after every change, which is critical for production line management and daily operations. An important part of the project was getting React updated to a newer version, since we received it already implemented in version v15.5.10 which was deprecated.

The greatest value we were able to contribute to the project was the faster loading speed and implementation of key functionalities needed in the company's operational process, giving employees greater visibility in the assembly line with more reliable data.

We are currently working on maintenance tasks and adding new features to the app.

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Apr 2022 - OHMLogic

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